Saturday, June 21, 2014

It's not for everyone

AS we draw to the close of week 6, I have come to some conclusions. Social Media is not for everyone. While I share in the excitement of all the tools that are available to us today with new ones developing all the time, I'm pretty sure it's not for me. Perhaps I'll feel differently after the class is over and the pace slows down. I'm definitely grateful for the exposure and knowledge I've gained. Certainly without Dr. D's prompting, I'd never be this far along. I was really excited about creating my first word cloud (lop-sided as it may be). I never thought of myself as a private person. Family, friends and even co-workers describe me as rather open with my life. Sometimes, I think, too much so. However, when it comes to putting myself "out there" for any and everyone to see, I am truly uncomfortable. Perhaps it's because of the lack of reciprocity. "They" are viewing me but I know nothing about "them". My pseudonym has worked very well for me. And, contrary to one of our classmates observations, I wouldn't dream of doing, saying, posting anything under a pseudonym that I would feel uncomfortable doing under my real name. For me it's just an added layer of protection. Of course, if anyone wanted to spend a little time, they could easily peel back the layer and trace the footprints back to me. However, I banking on no one caring enough to take the time. For a vacation week, this has been pretty stressful. I'm looking forward to a measure of normalcy returning now that we're not running all over the place and trying to keep up with school as well.


  1. I fully agree! There are so many great technologies out there but about 99.9% of them are not for me. Maybe it's because I haven't yet validated their usefulness in my personal or professional life and once I do I'll find them far more appealing, but as for now, after the class concludes I might not revisit many of these sites ever again, but maybe some will reappear as relevant for the time and place and I'll have some great background knowledge on it.
    Know that you're not alone about your conclusions.

  2. I definitely see your point. I am very tech savvy. However, I am not really someone to be going on my laptop or checking updates on social media networks. I guess what I like doing best is lurking around and seeing what is going on. I like to be quick and move on to the next subject. I am fortunate to have learned so many tools and terms this summer and I can't wait to learn more.
