Friday, June 6, 2014

But do you have something to say?

Blogging is becoming a national pass-time.  Everyone seems to be blogging about anything, everything and nothing. Today, I read an article on a survey of over 1,800 students.  Blogging was their "Numero Uno" choice as an LMS.  Simultaneously, many of these same students shared that they attached little value to the blogs originating with their peers.  INSERT REF (If Wikipedia can do it, why can't I?)

Yesterday, the participants in our class blogosphere (present company included)  received a shout-out from our Blog Coordinator, urging us to get out there and spread some blogging kindness by posting comments on each others blogs.  It made me wonder why we're not all jumping over each other with blog comments.  I have a few theories:

1)  The class is composed of either very tech savy students who create visually appealing and/or information-packed blogs with sophisticated set-ups or of students (like myself) who have lagged behind the techno-wave and are hoping this class will bring us up to speed.  In the first instance, visiting these blogs makes me feel like the poor country mouse or overwhelms me with links, graphics and expertise in general.  After spending time clicking on a few buttons and links, I'm too tired to bother comment.

2)  Keeping up with our own workload and blog requirements keeps us too busy to visit and chat with others about theirs.

3)  We don't truly value what our classmates have to say (surely not!).

I've always been of the opinion that unless you have something worthwhile to say, it's better to keep silent.  How many inconsequential, chattering idiots do you like hanging around?

P.S.  If by chance you wonder onto this blog by accident, the blazing honesty was just me thinking out loud.

P.P.S.  Check out this delightful TED talk INSERT LINK


  1. Haha those are quite the theories you got there. I think most of us are probably too busy with other school work and life and sometimes we forget to visit other blogs. I definitely like to go around and check blogs out there. But this week was a bit hectic and I could not visit them. So I am going through them now and seeing what people have to say. I like reading all of the posts. And I definitely comment whenever I can. I love when people post comments on my blog so I try to do the same.

  2. This post made me chuckle. I would say I'm guilty of the first two theories you have. It also doesn't help that I have habits of a lurker (I'm trying to be better). I love to look around and read what other have to say, but I might not have anything to add to it.
