Thursday, July 17, 2014


I've granted myself permission to occasionally post something of a trivial nature. Since the past couple of weeks have been rather draining due to a series of unforeseeable events and the next two weeks don't hold much promise of a change in tone, tonight's the "occasional" night. Have you noticed that the CAPTCHAS have changed? Every time I post a comment to a blog, I'm prompted to interpret a CAPTCHA, which is supposedly dual-purposed: 1) It proves I'm not a robot/spammer 2)It aides in the task of translating old, almost illegible manuscripts into readable text (sounds like a small packet of bologna to me but, who knows?) They used to irritate me no end. Then I almost began to enjoy them. And then they changed. Instead of challenging, barely legible squiggles, I am now seeing 3 or 4 numbers. What happened? Did the bots get smarter or did we run out of old manuscripts?


  1. I've noticed more numbers lately, too, but there have still been some icky letters. I have no idea what the algorithm is on that ...

  2. Oh -- and I find the numbers creepier (although easier to decipher) because they are so often on doors, mailboxes, and curbs. They're addresses. Thanks, Google Maps.

    1. I noticed the numbers too, but I never thought of them as "creepy" - but i guess it makes sense. We all use Google Maps, don't we?

  3. Im glad I wasn't the only one who noticed lol. I definitely love the numbers more now. It's much easier to decipher. I always had a hard time with the barely legible script!

  4. I prefer numbers to words. Often times with words, you can barely read them. Is there nowhere in your setting where you can pick which type you want to use (I don't use Blogger). Spending so much time and money to stop spammers is such a shame. Soon I think anonymity on the Internet will become more aligned with fraud due to the amount of damage and economic injury spammers cause.
